Anti-Bullying – Bully-proofing your child
Among the many concerns parents have for their children, bullying is consistently one of the highest.
As educators with years of experience we understand this serious issue. Bullying comes in many forms but its effects are universal.
It can stunt emotional growth, force a retreat from social norms, deny positive engagement and set back a child’s natural curiosity for many years. It takes huge amounts of love, dedication and understanding to overcome the debilitating effects of bullying.
The best way to prevent this is to stop it from taking hold. We believe prevention is the best cure.
Bully-proofing your child involves a complete strategy of awareness, confidence and respect. What is taught within the martial arts is practiced in everyday life. It requires commitment and discipline, all of which are included in our martial arts programs for kids.
Friendship: the purest of human feelings
Courage: doing what's right
Sincerity: to be true to your word
Modesty: to talk about yourself without pride
Respect: without respect there is no trust
Self-Control: to learn to be silent when anger rises
Politeness: the respect for others
Our Strategy: Strength through Judo
Our students are taught to recognize bullying and deny it from taking hold – for themselves and those around them.
Our strategy is built upon:
Confidence – built through consistency of effort and purpose
Respect – both offered and achieved. It is nurtured through a positive environment, and reinforced by positive behaviour.
Awareness – instilled by recognizing both fear and aggression, establishing personal space, identifying right and wrong patterns of behaviour.